Infringement Claims, DMCA Policy

Information on how to submit claims of copyright and trademark infringement.

Please contact Recomonk’s agent using the information below if you think that your copyrighted work or trademark has been utilized in a way that violates copyright or trademark infringement and is accessible through one of Recomonk’s services.

The notification procedure described here is in conformity with the guidelines provided by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the text of which is available at, the website of the U.S. Copyright Office. This is a synopsis of the procedure:

Summary of the Process

  1. If someone thinks something on a website or service hosted by Recomonk violates their copyright or trademark rights, they can send us a formal notice using the instructions below.
  2. We will take down or disable the allegedly copyright-infringing content as soon as we receive a legitimate notice.
  3. By sharing the warning with the user who allegedly posted the infringing material, we will try to let them know. The user then has the option to ask for the content to be made available again. We shall re-enable the content upon their legitimate request, unless and until both parties request that it be removed or a judge grants us an order to do so.

Who Should Contact Us, Contacting the User, Misrepresentations

Reporting a suspected violation to us is restricted to copyright or trademark owners or their authorized representatives.

  • You are unable to notify us of a suspected infringement if you are not the owner or the owner’s authorized representative.
  • You should notify the copyright owner directly if you think that any content on a website violates the copyright of another party.
  • In any case, we strongly advise you to get in touch with the user personally if you think they are violating your trademarks or copyrights.
  • If you knowingly and materially misrepresent that any information on a website violates someone else’s copyright, you could be held accountable for damages, including legal fees and court expenses.

Whenever in doubt, seek legal advice.

Required Information for Your Notice

To make sure we are deleting the content legally, we need your assistance in locating the allegedly illegal content. In accordance with the DMCA, we so need the following information in your notice:

Enough information about the copyrighted work or trademark that you are the owner of or represent.

  1. Allegedly Infringing Material: The precise URL or position on our website or service, along with enough information to enable us to locate and identify it, including the content you allege violates your copyright or trademark.
  2. Statement of Good-Faith Belief: This is a declaration on your part stating that you firmly believe the disputed use of the trademark or copyright is not permitted by the owner, its agent, or the law. For instance, “I believe in good faith that the owner, its agent, or the law does not permit use of the materials described above as allegedly infringing.”
  1. Truthfulness & Ownership Statements: You certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is true and that you are the owner of the copyright or trademark, or that you have the authority to act on the owner’s behalf. As an illustration, consider the following: “I covenant, under penalty of perjury, that the data in the notification is true and that I am the owner of the copyright or trademark or have the authority to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is purportedly violated.”
  1. Contact Information: Details such your name, address, phone number, and/or email address that are deemed reasonably sufficient to enable Recomonk to get in touch with you.
  2. Signature: The physical or digital signature of the owner of the copyright or trademark, or of the agent permitted to act on their behalf.

Where to Send Your Notice

Your notice can be sent to our copyright agent at:

or by mail to:

Recomonk Technologies
76-77, Nava India Rd, KR Puram Avarampalayam,
Peelamedu, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu, India
Pin Code:  641006

How Will Recomonk Respond?

We will promptly disable or remove the allegedly infringing content upon receipt of a valid written notice of copyright infringement. We will keep records of the purported violations that we address. We will also forward your report to the user who submitted the allegedly illegal item, notifying them of the situation. Please be aware that a copy of this legal notice may be submitted to a third party for publication and/or annotation, in addition to being delivered to the person who allegedly provided the infringing content. When necessary, we will also remove violators from our websites who violate copyrights in a way that appears to be recurrent or flagrant.

Restoration of the Removed Content

Users of our websites may send us a written counter-notification if they think that their content was disabled or removed by error or misidentification. For the counter-notification to be considered authentic, it must contain the following information:

  1. Allegedly Infringing Material: Name the content that has been blocked or removed, together with the URL or other precise place on our websites where the content was visible prior to removal or disablement.
  2. Assent to Process Serving and Jurisdiction: A declaration that the user will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of infringement or an agent of that person, and that the user consents to the jurisdiction of the District Court in Coimbatore, India. An example of this would be, “I will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of infringement or an agent of such person, and I consent to the jurisdiction of the District Court in Coimbatore, India.”
  3. A statement of good faith made under penalty of perjury stating that the user believes, with all sincerity, that the material in question was mistakenly removed or deactivated or that it was misidentified. As an illustration, consider the following statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good-faith belief that each search result, message, or other item of content identified above was removed or disabled as a result of an error or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled, or that the material identified by the complainant has been removed or disabled at the listed URL and will no longer be shown.”
  4. Contact Details: Name, email address, phone number, and postal address of the user.
  5. Signature: Either an electronic or physical signature from the user.

As per the Digital Media Content Agreement (DMCA), in the event that we receive a valid counter-notice, we have the right to restore the removed or disabled content after 10 business days. However, this is only possible if our copyright agent is notified beforehand that a court action has been filed to prevent the user from engaging in infringing activity related to the removed or disabled content.